Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Trials: 21st Century:

Prosecution: Trials:

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal seated in The Hague, Netherlands. It is the first and only permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. The ICC is distinct from the International Court of Justice, an organ of the United Nations that hears disputes between states.« -- More information: Wikipedia

K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 21st Century | Topical Index: Types: Wartime Sexual Violence / Ituri Conflict

B i b l i o g r a p h y

Topical Index: Cases: Real Offenders: Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Germain Katanga

I. Author Index

[Info] Askin, Kelly D. War Crimes Against Women: Prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals. The Hague 1997.

[Info] Benedetti, Fanny, et al. Negotiating the International Criminal Court: New York to Rome, 1994-1998. Leiden 2014.

[Info] Fern ndez Carter, Catalina. »Los cr menes de violencia sexual cometidos al interior de un grupo armado: El caso de los ni os soldados en The Prosecutor vs.Bosco NtagandaAnuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal 6 (2018): 82-109.

[Info] Gosh, Gitanjali, et al. »The Evolving Jurisprudence of Rape as a War Crime.« International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies 1 (2014).

[Info] Grey, Rosemary. »Sexual Violence against Child Soldiers: The Limits and Potential of International Criminal Law.« International Feminist Journal of Politics 16 (2014): 601-621.

[Info] Grey, Rosemary. »The ICC s First Forced Pregnancy Case in Historical Perspective.« Journal of International Criminal Justice (December 2, 2017).

[Info] Hod i?, Irma. Adjudication of Gender Based Crimes against Women in International Criminal Courts and Tribunals. Master Thesis, Lunds Universitet, 2012.

[Info] Koenig, K. Alexa, et al. »Contextualizing Sexual Violence Committed During the War on Terror: A Historical Overview of International Accountability.« University of San Francisco Law Review 45 (2011): 911-957.

[Info] Morris, Kara. "When elephants fight, it is the gras that is crushed": A critical evaluation of the treatment of rape victim-witnesses by the International Criminal Court. M.A. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2013.

[Info] M hlh user, Regina. »Sexuelle Gewalt als Kriegsverbrechen: eine Herausforderung f r die Internationale Strafgerichtsbarkeit.« Frauen im Militär. Empirische Befunde und Perspektiven zur Integration von Frauen in die Streitkräfte. Edited by Jens-Rainer Ahrens et al. Wiesbaden 2005: 242-264.

[Info] Phelps, Andrea R. »Gender-Based War Crimes: Incidence and Effectiveness of International Criminal Prosecution.« William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 12 (2006): 499-520.

[Info] Sadikot, Minaz. International Law: The Issue of Rape. Student Thesis, H gskolan i J nk ping, 2010.

[Info] Schwarz, Alexander. »Sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt an Männern und Jungen und deren Verfolgung durch internationale Strafgerichtshöfe.« Humaniäres Völkerrecht 2 (2019): 139-156.

[Info] Sim, Marinet. Adjudicating Intra-Party Rape and Sexual Slavery of Child Soldiers as War Crimes before the ICC: Bosco Ntaganda Case. Master Thesis, Lund University, 2018.

[Info] Sriram, Nayantara. »Sexual Violence as an Accredited Atrocity under the International Criminal Court.« University of Leicester Student Law Review No. 3 (2016): 17-22.

[Info] Wisotzki, Simone. »Gender Justice in Multilateral Negotiations: The Case of SGBV in the Rome Statute and in the ICC.« Justice and Peace: The Role of Justice Claims in International Cooperation and Conflict. Edited by Caroline Fehl et al. Wiesbaden 2019: 115-135.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] McGinnis, Rachel. »An Analysis of the ICC's Current Gender Neutral Definition and the Possible Implications on Male Survivors of Sexual Violence.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016.